This is a list of the videos on YouTube made by the author of Homeric sites around Troy (Parrot Press, 2017).
The videos are short. They do not tell a story. They show a place or a scene. Sometimes they show a 360-degree panorama from a viewpoint. There is no commentary, only the occasional sub-title to identify details. There is no music, only the sound of wind, water, birds or bells. The date on which each video was taken is recorded on the final frame.
The purpose is to expand on what can be seen in Homeric sites around Troy where the Homeric significance of the sites is discussed.
The “Tomb of Achilles”
Sailing the Hellespont (1) the approach (3:05)
The “Tomb of Achilles” at Yenişehir in autumn (2:23)
The “Tomb of Achilles” at Yenişehir in spring (2:46)
The “Tomb of Achilles” at Yenişehir in winter (0:30)
The “Tomb of Ajax” (İn Tepe)
Sailing the Hellespont (6) the “Tomb of Ajax” (2:13)
In Tepe viewed from the Hellespont (2:02)
In Tepe - the view from the top (3:01)
In Tepe - inside the “Tomb of Ajax” (3:00)
In Tepe - a mound of stones nearby (1:32)
In Tepe - a mound of sand nearby 1:09)
In Tepe - an ancient harbour nearby (1:44)
In Tepe - Karanlık Liman (1:55)
In Tepe - Karanlık Liman, a panoramic view (2:25)
The “Tomb of Antilochus”
The “Tomb of Antilochus” - the vicinity (2:17)
The “Tomb of Antilochus” - a closer look (3:34)
Asarlık (Eski Hisarlık) near Troy (2:31)
Ballı Dağ from Asarlık, near Troy (0:32)
Ballı Dağ
Ballı Dağ from Asarlık, near Troy (0:32)
Ballı Dağ - the ascent from the river (4:15)
Ballı Dağ - view from the summit (3:09)
Ballı Dağ - the “Tomb of Hector” (2:20)
Ballı Dağ - a tumulus near the summit (1:44)
Ballı Dağ - the traces of tumuli (2:46)
The “Tomb of Paris” above Pınarbaşı (2:05)
The Trojan Plain from Ballı Dağ (4:29)
Scamander above Ballı Dağ (1:31)
Bayramiç Dam
Bayramiç Dam in spring (0:59)
Scamander flowing into Bayramiç Dam (1:25)
Mt Ida (Kazdağı) from Bayramiç Dam (1:56)
Beşik Tepe
Beşik Tepe - views of the mound (1:41)
Beşik Tepe - view from the top (2:28)
Beşik Tepe - views at the foot (1:47)
Beşik Tepe - the ancient wall (1:54)
Beşik Tepe and Beşika Bay (1:52)
Beşika Bay
Beşika Bay - the view from Üvecik Tepe (1:27)
Beşika Bay - the rising plain (3:01)
Beşika Bay from the south in autumn (3:25)
Beşika Bay from the south in winter (1:44)
Beşika Bay - inland from the south (2:40)
Beşika Bay - ruins of a mill (1:18)
Beşika Bay - an ancient wall (1:51)
Beşika Bay to Troy (2:15)
Troy - views towards Beşika Bay (3:19)
Beşika Burnu (Achilleion)
Beşika Burnu - views of the cape (1:43)
Beşika Burnu - views from the top (3:13)
Çal Dağ
Bakacak Tepe, on the summit (3:00)
Çal Dağ - Cebren (2:51)
Çal Dağ - Fuğla Tepe (2:30)
Çal Dağ - Fuğla Tepe - view from the top (1:48)
Çal Dağ - Fuğla Tepe - a tomb on top? (2:47)
Çal Dağ - the springs (0:54)
Mt Ida seen from Bakacak Tepe (2:53)
Çıplak ridge, near Troy (2:35)
Colonae (Kocabeșik Tepe) (2:57)
Cynossema, Kilitbahir (0:13)
Hanay Tepe
Hanay Tepe - view from the top (3:01)
Hanay Tepe in winter (0:23)
The “Tomb of Hector”
Ballı Dağ - the “Tomb of Hector” (2:20)
The Hellespont
The Hellespont from Ophryneion (1:00)
Sailing the Hellespont (1) the approach (3:05)
Sailing the Hellespont (2) the entry (3:11)
Sailing the Hellespont (3) the Plain of Troy - first view (4:35)
Sailing the Hellespont (4) the Scamander & Troy (0:48)
Sailing the Hellespont (5) the Plain of Troy - second view (2:55)
Sailing the Hellespont (6) the “Tomb of Ajax” (2:13)
The Trojan Plain from across the Hellespont (1:35)
Troy - a mound by the Kalafat Asmak (1:46)
Kalafat, near Troy - a flattened mound? (2:45)
Kara Tepe (Callicolone)
Kara Tepe, near Troy (2:55)
The Trojan Plain from Kara Tepe (2:34)
Karaağaç Tepe (Protesilaion) (2:42)
The Trojan Plain from Kemerdere (1:09)
Troy - the Roman aqueduct at Kemerdere (4:21)
Tanrıpınar - the god’s spring (3:01)
Kesik Tepe and Kesik Canal
Kesik Tepe - views of the hill (2:12)
Kesik Tepe - view from the top in autumn (3:06)
Kesik Tepe - view from the top in spring (3:03)
Kesik Canal (2:44)
Yeniköy to Yenişehir (1) - Yeniköy to Kesik Canal (2:01)
Yenişehir to Yeniköy (3) - Kesik Tepe (2:22)
Kocakaya Tepe (Gargarus) (3:54)
Kumkale harbour
Kumkale harbour near Troy (2:28)
Kumkale harbour at dawn (1:43)
Tektop Burnu, beside Kumkale harbour (3:01)
A mound above Kumkale harbour near Troy (2:56)
Kurşunlu Tepe - Scepsis (3:52)
Mt Ida (Kazdağı Milli Parkı)
Mt Ida - on the road up the mountain (2:33)
Mt Ida - Babadağ (2:30)
Mt Ida - Karataș Tepe (3:00)
Mt Ida - Sarıkız Türbesi (2:59)
Mt Ida - Zeus’ altar at the foot of Sarıkız? (3:01)
Mt Ida - pine trees (3:00)
Mt Ida - trees and flowers (2:59)
Mt Ida - an ancient wall (0:40)
Ayazma in autumn (4:19)
Ayazma in winter (2:16)
Ayazma under snow (3:42)
Ayazma in spring (5:00)
Hasanboğuldu - Sutüven Falls in spring (3:53)
Kazdağı Pınarbaşı Piknik Alanı in autumn (3:04)
Bayramiç Dam in spring (0:59)
Mt Ida (Kazdağı) from Bayramiç Dam (1:56)
Mt Ida seen from Bakacak Tepe (2:53)
Ophryneion, near Erenköy (3:00)
Paşa Tepe
Paşa Tepe near Troy in autumn (2:52)
Paşa Tepe near Troy in spring (2:01)
Kırk Göz springs in autumn (3:01)
Kırk Göz springs in winter (0:57)
Kırk Göz canal to Beşika Bay (3:01)
The “Tomb of Patroclus”
The “Tomb of Patroclus” at Yenişehir (1:59)
Samothrace (Greece)
Samothrace seen from Imbros (1:46)
Samothrace - the wooded slopes of Mt Saos (3:53)
Samothrace - near the top of Mt Saos (2:20)
Samothrace - Sanctuary of the Great Gods (1:41)
Samothrace - the hot springs at Therma (1:49)
The Scamander (Karamenderes)
Along the banks of the Scamander in spring (2:48)
Along the banks of the Scamander in winter (0:46)
Scamander - steep banks (0:40)
Scamander - ford (1) closest to Pınarbaşı (0:54)
Scamander - ford (2) between Kalafat and Pınarbaşı (1:24)
Scamander - ford (3) below Kalafat excavated (0:50)
Scamander - ford (3) below Kalafat (1:02)
Pinarbaşı dam on the Scamander in autumn (2:01)
Pinarbaşı dam on the Scamander in spring (1:13)
Scamander below Pınarbaşı dam (0:28)
At the junction of the Scamander and the Thymbra (3:08)
Scamander joins the Simois in front of Troy (1:16)
Scamander flowing into Bayramiç Dam (1:25)
Scamander above Ballı Dağ (1:31)
Sigeion ridge
The tumuli at Yenişehir (3:04)
The “Tomb of Achilles” at Yenişehir in autumn (2:23)
The “Tomb of Achilles” at Yenişehir in spring (2:46)
The “Tomb of Patroclus” at Yenişehir (1:59)
A tumulus at Yenişehir (0:41)
A tomb on Orhaniye? (3:06)
Orhaniye - World War I battery (2:55)
Ottoman Cemetery near Old Kumkale (1:28)
On the cliffs of Yenişehir, near Troy (2:17)
Yeniköy to Yenişehir (1) - Yeniköy to Kesik Canal (2:01)
Yeniköy to Yenişehir (2) - Kesik Canal to Spratt’s Plateau (0:50)
Yeniköy to Yenişehir (3) - Spratt’s Plateau to Yenişehir (3:23)
Yenişehir to Yeniköy (1) - Yenişehir (3:24)
Yenişehir to Yeniköy (2) - Spratt’s Plateau (1:40)
Yenişehir to Yeniköy (3) - Kesik Tepe (2:22)
Yenişehir to Yeniköy (4) - Yeniköy (1:21)
Simois (Dümrek)
Dümrek (Simois) - along the upper river (3:18)
Scamander joins the Simois in front of Troy (1:16)
Simois - the mouths of the river (3:35)
Taştepe, near Troy, in spring (1:28)
Tenedos (Bozcaada) - rocky coves (1:59)
Tenedos (Bozcaada) - stranded ship (1:37)
Tenedos (Bozcaada) - sandy beaches (1:28)
Thebes (Greece)
Mycenaean chamber tomb at Thebes, Greece (2:13)
The Fountain of Oedipus at Thebes, Greece (1:01)
The Trojan Plain
The Trojan Plain from Asarlık (Eski Hisarlık) (1:19)
The Trojan Plain from Ballı Dağ (4:29)
The Trojan Plain from Fığla Tepe (1:27)
The Trojan Plain from Kara Tepe (2:34)
The Trojan Plain from Kemerdere (1:09)
The Trojan Plain from Kücüktaş Tepe (1:41)
The Trojan Plain from Üvecik Tepe (3:01)
The Trojan Plain from across the Hellespont (1:35)
Hasan Paşa Tower on the Trojan Plain (3:12)
Kırk Göz canal to Beşika Bay (3:01)
Babafingo on the Trojan Plain (2:34)
Babafingo and Kum Tepe in the Trojan Plain (3:39)
Troy - the north-east gate (VI R) (1:02)
Troy - the east gate (VI S) (1:54)
Troy - the south gate (VI T) (0:44)
Troy - the south-west gate (VI U) (1:30)
Troy - the south-west gate (FM) (0:30)
Troy - palace house VI M (0:26)
Troy - Schliemann’s trench (0:15)
Troy - the springs (1:37)
Troy - a mound south of the city (1:55)
Troy - a mound south-east of the city (2:08)
Troy - an ancient harbour site (south) (3:26)
Troy - an ancient harbour site (north)? (3:00)
Trojan walls in Kalafat (2:28)
Troy - views towards Beşika Bay (3:19)
Wildflowers around Troy in winter (0:56)
Üvecik Tepe
Üvecik Tepe - views of the mound (1:58)
Beşika Bay - the view from Üvecik Tepe (1:27)
Üvecik Tepe - view from the top in spring (2:35)
The Trojan Plain from Üvecik Tepe (3:01)
Zeus Altarı, Ada Tepe (4:37)